Adult Arm Wrestling Strong Arm Challenge
Sunday at 7:00 pm Contact Cory Bussell - 654-2667
In Memory of Chuck Bussell
Sign up in the Big Tent at 5:30 pm Competition Starts at 7:00 pm
Entry Fee $5.00
Mens Weight Classes as follows: 0-178 lbs. 179-199 lbs. 200-230 lbs. 231 lbs. & up
Women's Class 0 - 178 lbs. Double Elimination Stand Up Tournament
AWARDS to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
Children's Arm Wrestling
Sign up for the Annual Children's Arm Wrestling Tournament. There will be a $2 fee due
at sign up for each entrant. Sign up at the big tent on Sunday at 5:30 pm. Competition in
four age groups: 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-16. Signed release by parent or guardian required at
registration. Ribbons awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each age group.