Arm Wrestling - Adult/Child
Contact: Corey Bussel 654-2667
Bike Contest
Monday at 3:30 pm -NEW TIME
Cribbage Classic
For More Information, contact: Bob Miller (207) 683-5759
Demolition Derby
Saturday at 1:00
Registration at 9:00 - 11:30 am
Stanley Woodard 717-8501
• Antique Engines and Tractors on Display
• Antique car display
• Weed Walk! Blacksmith!
• And there will always be surprises
Doodlebug Pull
Sunday at 3 pm
Registration at 2:30 pm
Contact Randy Chapman
at 416-9700
Farmer's Award
$125.00 CASH PRIZE
Contact Shawn & Sandra O’Donnell
at 270-8355.
Fiber Arts Barn
Come, Spin, Knit and Crochet With Us
Daily Fiber Demonstrations
Weed walk & Wild Edible Recipe
11:00 am Weed Walk - Michael & Michele Cabral - Community Tent
11:30 am Wild Edible Recipe - Michael & Michele Cabral - Community Tent
Frog Jumping Contest at the Outback Arena
Sunday, 1:30 pm
Four Age Categories
1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes
Please bring your own frog
This year, we will be awarding a cash prize to any groups or individuals that participate in showing us how life was in Maine during any time period in the past 400 years. Preference will be given to those that focus on earlier times - the older, the better.
To qualify, the individual or group must be present and active during all three full days of the Fair (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) and must participate in the parade on Monday. Judging will be based on presentation, education, and audience enthusiasm and participation.
Home & Garden
CONTACT: Noelle Loupin 683-2188
INSTRUCTIONS: Submit entries in the Exhibition Hall at the Harmony Fairgrounds on Friday 4-7 pm. Vehicles are NOT PERMITTED on the midway. Show is for amateurs only. All items must be made or grown by exhibitors. Articles entered in previous Harmony Fairs are not eligible. The fair is not responsible for damage or theft. Exhibit Hall personnel will refuse items not acceptable for exhibit.
Exhibition Hall is open to the public on Saturday from 1 pm to 7 pm, Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm and Monday from 10 am to 4 pm.
All exhibited items must remain at the Fair for the duration of the Fair. Items may only be removed on Monday between 4 pm and 6 pm. If items are removed earlier, NO PREMIUMS WILL BE PAID. Exhibitors may be able to receive their premium check when they pick up their items on Monday between 4 pm and 6 pm.
AGE CATEGORIES: Adults: Age 16 and older. Youth: Age 15 and younger, except as noted under ART. Adult-made items submitted in the Youth category will be disqualified.
PREMIUMS: Best of Show- $20.00, 1st place- $10.00, 2nd place- $7.00, 3rd place-$4.00. Judges award prizes on merit, even in categories without competition.
4H and Family Group Premiums- 1st place-$20.00, 2nd place-$15.00, 3rd place-$10.00
Horseshoe Tournament
For more information, contact Debbie Morrison 461-2970
Register at 10:00 am. Play begins at 10:30 am.
Registration and play start after parade.
Sponsored by: D.A.M. Fine Sawing, Madison, Maine
Sponsored by: Leo’s Transport, China, Maine
Sponsored by: Huff's Disposal, Harmony, Maine
$10 per person. Draw for partners
Horse Show
Monday at 11:00 am Rain or Shine
Judge: Gail McCormack
$40 / day or $50 per family
Registration: 9:00 am to 10:45 am pre-registration is encouraged
Contact: Lora Wotton 701-8855 but not required.
Junior Farmer's Award
Contact Shawn & Sandra O’Donnell at 270-8355.
You must be less than 16 years old and display at least three animals from your farm to compete for this award. You will be judged on care of the animals over the duration of the fair, as well as information about the animals you share with the public. $50 cash prize awarded.
Pie Auction
Saturday at 4:00 pm
Rosie Carlow
Pig Scramble - Outback Arena
Sunday, 4:00 pm
$5.00 Registration
Register between 3:00 - 3:45pm on Sunday
Contact Jeff Chadbourne
Show Off Your Old Tractor
Contact Ralph Bagley 683-2391
Talent Show
Monday at 2PM.
Cash Prizes!
Truck Pull
Friday at 7PM
Registration at 5PM
For more information, contact Bruce York: 207-683-5125
Volleyball Tournament
Participants must contact Jeff Chadbourne at 740-1654 prior to fair.
Women’s Skillet & Men’s Hammer Throw
Monday: Skillets at 3:00 pm
Hammers at 4:00 pm
Age classes, Ribbons, & Best Throw Rosettes
Must be 18 or older to participate
Sign up in advance near Ticket Booth
Contact Pat Johnson 876-3204
Youth Livestock Show
Contact Shawn & Sandra O’Donnell at 270-8355
Registration at 9:00 am at the Outback Arena
Show starts at 10:00 am
Pre-registration is required