Doodlebug Pull
Sunday at 3:30 pm
Registration at 2:30 pm
Contact Tom Clark 944-1029
Need more info., have questions, need parts?
Call Randy Chapman at 416-9700
All pullers must be a member of the Maine Antique Tractor Club with Insurance. Full Pull distance is to be a continuous 10 feet. You will have up to a total of 4 attempts/hooks to make a continuous 10 foot pull.
Class 1: The vehicle shall be a maximum of 9 feet from forward most point to center of rear axle. The vehicle shall have only 1 transmission. Weight of vehicle shall not exceed 3000 pounds.
Class 2: The vehicle shall be a maximum of 9 feet from forward point to center of rear axle. The vehicle shall have 2 transmissions. Weight of vehicle shall not exceed 3500 pounds.
Class 3: The vehicle shall be a maximum of 10 feet from forward most point to center of rear axle. The vehicle shall have two transmissions. Weight of vehicle shall not exceed 4000 pounds.
Class 1 and 2 will be 1960 or older. Second transmission and rear end will be what you like. Class 3 can have what ever parts you like as long as the front looks somewhat like a vehicle.
For all classes:
No tractor parts unless nothing to do with pulling.
Automotive rear ends only.
Minimum of 2 wheel brakes.
No tire chains.
All weights shall be securely attached. You will be disqualified if you lose a weight in a pulling attempt.
No 4 wheel drive unless front drive shaft has been removed.
Only DOT tires allowed. Single wheels only. Max tire size 11:00 x 22.5 or 12:50 x 16.5.
Tire cutting and shaping is allowed.
Drive shaft shall be protected.
Batteries, gas tanks and seats must be securely attached. No wire or rope .
All classes will pull from set drawbar, maximum height of 20" from ground and a maximum of 20"out from the center of the rear axle. Hook must stay stationary.
When pulling you will be disqualified if vehicle rears up more than 16". All doodlebugs will be equipped with a chain visibly attached to front axle with 16" excess from point of touching ground.
Driver must put vehicle in neutral, foot off clutch and signal with hands up when ready to be hooked.
When not pulling all doodlebugs must maintain a speed of no more than 3 1/2 miles per hour.
No moving your weights during a pulling attempt.
All pulling vehicles to be equipped with working fire extinguisher.
Only the winner of a class may advance to next higher class.
Vehicle owner/driver must abide by all Technical Committee decisions. Technical Committee decisions are final.
Sunday at 3:30 pm
Registration at 2:30 pm
Contact Tom Clark 944-1029
Need more info., have questions, need parts?
Call Randy Chapman at 416-9700
All pullers must be a member of the Maine Antique Tractor Club with Insurance. Full Pull distance is to be a continuous 10 feet. You will have up to a total of 4 attempts/hooks to make a continuous 10 foot pull.
Class 1: The vehicle shall be a maximum of 9 feet from forward most point to center of rear axle. The vehicle shall have only 1 transmission. Weight of vehicle shall not exceed 3000 pounds.
Class 2: The vehicle shall be a maximum of 9 feet from forward point to center of rear axle. The vehicle shall have 2 transmissions. Weight of vehicle shall not exceed 3500 pounds.
Class 3: The vehicle shall be a maximum of 10 feet from forward most point to center of rear axle. The vehicle shall have two transmissions. Weight of vehicle shall not exceed 4000 pounds.
Class 1 and 2 will be 1960 or older. Second transmission and rear end will be what you like. Class 3 can have what ever parts you like as long as the front looks somewhat like a vehicle.
For all classes:
No tractor parts unless nothing to do with pulling.
Automotive rear ends only.
Minimum of 2 wheel brakes.
No tire chains.
All weights shall be securely attached. You will be disqualified if you lose a weight in a pulling attempt.
No 4 wheel drive unless front drive shaft has been removed.
Only DOT tires allowed. Single wheels only. Max tire size 11:00 x 22.5 or 12:50 x 16.5.
Tire cutting and shaping is allowed.
Drive shaft shall be protected.
Batteries, gas tanks and seats must be securely attached. No wire or rope .
All classes will pull from set drawbar, maximum height of 20" from ground and a maximum of 20"out from the center of the rear axle. Hook must stay stationary.
When pulling you will be disqualified if vehicle rears up more than 16". All doodlebugs will be equipped with a chain visibly attached to front axle with 16" excess from point of touching ground.
Driver must put vehicle in neutral, foot off clutch and signal with hands up when ready to be hooked.
When not pulling all doodlebugs must maintain a speed of no more than 3 1/2 miles per hour.
No moving your weights during a pulling attempt.
All pulling vehicles to be equipped with working fire extinguisher.
Only the winner of a class may advance to next higher class.
Vehicle owner/driver must abide by all Technical Committee decisions. Technical Committee decisions are final.