The Harmony Patriarchs Club Presents
the 66th Annual HARMONY FREE FAIR - 2013
Welcome to the 66thHarmony Free Fair. Last year’s fair was a great success.
This year the Patriarchs Club hopes we can improve it even more. First of all,
this year we will have Kavanaugh Amusements who will be bringing in their
midway and games. Ride tickets will be good for the whole day so come early
and ride late. Kavanaugh Amusements will also be offering a ‘’ MEGA BRACELET ‘’.
This bracelet will be good for all 4 days of the fair and will be a great
value for families attending multiple
All the favorites will be back this year as
well as some new events, entertainment, and contests. More information on all of
this as well as any rules and contact information can be found in the Fair
After seeing our new midway the next thing most folks will notice is our newest building.
At over 70 feet long, this building will house our fiber demonstrations as well as multiple
livestock pens. Looking forward, other uses may include the building being used for a
farmers market, 4-H activities, and other community events. The building was
made possible in part by generous donations from local citizens and volunteers.
Please take a moment to read the plaque hanging in the building. While the
building will be usable this year, we will need to bring in a new power line in
from Highland Ave to make it fully functional as well as to meet the power
needs of our growing fair. Due to financial constraints this will probably have
to wait until next year.
One thing becomes apparent when asking people what they like about the
Harmony Fair. It doesn’t matter if your 8 or 80, it is that they like hanging out with their friends.
With that in mind, the Patriarchs Club will always have plenty of activities, rides, and music. We will
also have places where you can sit and catch up with that person you haven’t
seen since last year’s fair. This fair is about memories past, present, and
This year the Patriarchs Club continues to
support the community through our fishing day for the kids. We had a very good
year with most of the kids getting fish. We also gave a $1000 scholarship to
some graduating seniors to help further their education. We support the
Elementary School Art program with our fair poster contest each year. We award
$200 in prize money which is divided among the artists of the first, second and
third place posters and donate money to the Art Department at Harmony Elementary
School. We feel strongly that our posters are some of the best in the state.
Please support us by buying a tee shirt with an image of wining poster on
As always the Patriarchs Club is looking for new members who have an interest in
the community and want to make a difference. We encourage new families to the
area to get involved it is a great way to meet folks in town. Without the strong
sense of volunteerism this town has the Harmony Free Fair would not exist nor
would the Fire Dept, Ambulance, Community Center or the many activities that are
done for the children of our town. Be proud little town of Harmony, you’re doing
good things. See you at the fair!
Jeff Chadbourne, President
2012 Letter from the President